The man behind Jalopy Journal revealed: Ryan Cochran

Описание к видео The man behind Jalopy Journal revealed: Ryan Cochran

For the guy who founded the Jalopy Journal and its message board, the H.A.M.B. – the most influential organization for the traditional hot rod movement in the history of the universe, you’d be shocked by how under-the-online-radar Ryan Cochran flies. Unless you actually know Ryan.

Ryan doesn’t like crowds, but he’s assembled the largest crowd of hot rods and customs on the planet. Ryan’s not much for self-promotion, but more hotrodders know his work than all the – ahem – builders building anything on reality television, combined. Ryan doesn’t spend a lot of time advertising his brand, The Jalopy Journal, but its H.A.M.B. is one of the most active message boards in the industry. In the words of the great poet, Walter Sobchack; “Ryan doesn’t roll on Shabbos.”

So, you can imagine how stoked we were when he agreed to come over and hang out for an afternoon at the Hot Rod BBQ. Full disclosure: we’ve been honored to call Ryan a friend for more than 20 years, so there’s that. But don’t let it color your opinion of our opinion. The guy has done more to support the hot rod and custom movement than just about any magazine, car show or online video. And he’s done it all from a place of pure enthusiasm for and love of the culture.

It’s rare that Ryan grants an interview like this, so grab a stool over there by the bench: we just put some brisket on the grill from Franklin’s that Ryan brought with him from Austin and we’re gonna talk story. And then, if you’re not a member yet, head over to and dig in!



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