Scaling Slack - The Good, the Unexpected, and the Road Ahead

Описание к видео Scaling Slack - The Good, the Unexpected, and the Road Ahead

InfoQ Dev Summit Boston, a two-day conference of actionable advice from senior software developers hosted by InfoQ, will take place on June 24-25, 2024 Boston, Massachusetts.

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Video with transcript included:

Mike Demmer talks about the major changes that Slack has made to the service architecture to meet the needs for larger and larger enterprise customers. Demmer presents 3 of these changes: decomposition of the real-time message service, client-side lazy loading via edge caching, and scaling the primary data storage tier with fine-grained horizontal sharding using Vitess.

This presentation was recorded at QCon San Francisco 2018:

#Slack #Performance #Scalability #InfoQ #QConSanFrancisco


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