Micro modeling of Policy Interventions and a Primer on GEM-Care

Описание к видео Micro modeling of Policy Interventions and a Primer on GEM-Care

Intensive Course in Gender-Sensitive Macroeconomic Modeling for Policy Analysis | Day 12
July 13, 2021

Session 1: Simulating the Impacts of Policy Interventions on Time and Consumption Poverty
Instructor: Thomas Masterson

The social and physical infrastructure investments we model have both direct and indirect impacts on time use. The direct impacts are reduced required household production hours for households whose children enroll in new pre-K programs and reduced travel times (to work and market) for those living in areas with improved roads. The indirect impacts result from the reshuffling of responsibilities for household production within households affected by employment changes.

Session 2: A Primer on GEM-Care, A SAM for GEM-Care
Instructor: Martín Cicowiez

GEM-Care is a gendered dynamic CGE model designed for country-level policy analysis focusing on issues relevant to the requirements of care and gender analysis. It has benefitted from the literature on gendered CGE modeling. GEM-Care is a multi-purpose template model. While it includes specific features important to its focus, it can address a broader range of topics typically relevant for CGE analysis, including growth, fiscal space, external shocks, poverty, and inequality. The dynamics of the model are recursive: actors are assumed to be myopic, making decisions based on data for the current year, which are influenced by past decisions.


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