God Without the Sacred: The Book of Job, The First Critique of Ideology - Slavoj Zizek - Remastered

Описание к видео God Without the Sacred: The Book of Job, The First Critique of Ideology - Slavoj Zizek - Remastered

The three religions of the Book each help us to differentiate the divine from the sacred. This liberating concept culminates in Paul's claim, from Ephesians, that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against leaders, against authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual wickedness in the heavens." Can religious fundamentalism be overcome only with the help of an emancipatory political theology? Philosopher Slavoj Zizek debates this and other incendiary questions on the LIVE stage.

Filmed Nov. 9, 2010 - New York Public Library

This event was sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


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