In Depth: Women in Science

Описание к видео In Depth: Women in Science

Excellence in Science is a concept that India has been familiar with since Vedic times and women have been an active part of this quest for knowledge.
The world over, women scientists have been in the forefront of ground-breaking research across the world.
But despite their remarkable discoveries, globally they still represent just 29 % of researchers.
In India the number is even less.
Globally only 3 % of the Nobel Prizes for science have been awarded to women, and only 11 %* of senior research roles are held by women.
This year National Science Day is both an attempt to acknowledge their contribution to science and also to encourage increased participation in the field.
In Depth today focuses on the achievements of the women scientists who were felicitated by President Kovind today, and his message for women scientists in India. We also take a look at what is preventing women from taking up science.

Anchor: Aditi Girotra


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