I spent 100 days in Terraria Getfixedboi Skyblock

Описание к видео I spent 100 days in Terraria Getfixedboi Skyblock

In this video, I spend 100 days in Legendary Getfixedboi Terraria Skyblock, starting from a small dirt island in the underworld.

If you want to try this yourself, here is a map download:

0:00 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Every Adventure Has a Beginning"
1:59 - Terraria OST: "Underworld"
3:56 - DM DOKURO: Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "void" - Theme of The Lower Abyss
   • Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "void" ...  
6:10 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "The Endless Void"
9:22 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Below the Surface"
11:02 - Terraria OST: "Underground Jungle"
12:51 - Terraria OST: "Underground Hallow"
15:38 - Terraria OST: "High Wind"
16:58 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Enchanted Blue"
18:34 - DM DOKURO: Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "The Step Below Hell" - Theme of The Profaned Crags
   • Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "The St...  
20:49 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Fighting the Night"
23:15 - Terraria OST: "Alternate Underground"
24:27 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Sinkholes of Darkness
27:07 - Terraria OST: "Corruption"
28:31 - Terraria OST: "Boss 3"
30:10 - Terraria OST: "Pumpkin Moon"
31:30 - DM DOKURO: Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "Murderswarm" - Theme of Bumblebirb
   • Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "Murder...  
34:02 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Rage of Tarunnk"
35:11 - Terraria Otherworld OST: "Postlude - Credits"

#terraria #skyblock


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