Vegeta's Speech After Becoming Super Saiyan

Описание к видео Vegeta's Speech After Becoming Super Saiyan

Vegeta's Speech After Becoming Super Saiyan: Upgrade to Super Saiyan - Episode 114 of Dragonball Z

"My motivation was very different than Kakarott's. My motivation was to be the best, to be the greatest Saiyan alive as I always have been, until Kakarott came into the picture. Kakarott's success was like a demon in my head. How could he be a super Saiyan when I the prince of all Saiyans could not? The intensity of my training was maddening. At four hundred and fifty times Earth's normal gravity a basic training game became a desperate struggle for survival. Even the simplest moves required every ounce of willpower I had. I wasn't sure how long I could sustain the effort without breaking in two. It seemed like the only thing holding my body together was my one desire to be better than Kakarott. At times I thought I was losing my mind. Why couldn't I obtain what Kakarott had obtained? It didn't make sense. It was infuriating and it was my fury that kept me alive. I decided to continue my training in the solitude of space where I would be unhindered by the distractions of the Earth and when a violent electrical storm erupted in the skies of the planet I was on, I welcomed it. It seemed fitting like it was an outward manifestation of the storm that was raging inside of me. Then the meteors started coming down but I was determined to survive and to protect my ship from destruction. It was my only way out, my only way off that nightmarish heap of rubble. I thought I had everything under control but then the mother of all meteors seemed to appear out of nowhere to claim my ship and my life. Normally it would have been child's play to blow up that rock but after training at four hundred and fifty times normal gravity for so long it took everything I had and more. "Kakkkk karot...." Then something just snapped, something inside of me. "No! No more! That's it! I don't care!" I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about being better than Kakarott. I didn't care about being a super Saiyan. I didn't care if I lived! I didn't care about anything and then IT happened. Yes, that's how it happened. That's how I became a super Saiyan. The sleeper has awakened. I am the prince of all Saiyans once again!"


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