The Four Needs Every Woman Desperately Wants Her Man to Meet

Описание к видео The Four Needs Every Woman Desperately Wants Her Man to Meet

Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"
   • The ONE Thing Every Christian Should ...   -~-
What are four needs your woman desperately wants you to meet? That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Hey what’s up everybody, welcome back. And so I want to look at just ONE verse and I believe this ONE verse teaches us how we as men can build a 4-sided fortress around our women so they feel totally and completely secure in our love.

And so the first need is QUALITY TIME…
#1 – “Dwell with them…
• Many men are task-oriented by nature so this doesn’t come natural for many of us but this involves…
• Conversation that is unhurried and uninterrupted
• Undistracted listener
• Creative date nights
• This means being intentional (you may have to actually schedule it) about carving out time and not giving away all of our time and energy to everyone and everything else that we are too drained to pour into our women.

The second is UNDERSTANDING. He goes on to say…
#2 – “Dwell with them in an understanding way…”
• Every woman wants a man who pays attention to her, understands her and studies her.
• What are her gifts? Dreams? Desires? Greatest fears? How is God working in her life?
• Taking a genuine interest in the things that matter to her the most even if they don’t matter to us.
• This means listening to her more than talking about ourselves, our interests, accomplishments and successes and what matters to us.
• Paying attention to the things she likes.

The third is VALUE
#3 – “Dwell with them in an understanding way, giving honor to the wife…”
• The Greek word here literally means “to assign precious value to” or to show “preference.”
• Think of it like fine china. We don’t treat it the same as regular dishware because it’s special.
• And in the same way our women have a strong need to know that next to God she is the most important thing in your world. That she is more important than work, school, ministry, your friends, business pursuits, your hobbies, etc. If not she can quickly become insecure and feel as though she is competing for your attention. in the relationship.

The fourth is PROTECTION
#4 – “Dwell with them in an understanding way, giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel…”
• Notice here that it doesn’t say she is weaker but Peter instructs us to deal with her as if she was the weaker vessel (this word refers primarily to physical strength)
• Women in many ways are stronger than men. They live longer. They often times have a higher threshold of pain than we do (they deal with it every month. We’re big babies).
• But underneath that strength she has a strong, strong need to be totally protected and to have a safe place where she doesn’t NEED to be strong.
• This involves her need to feel physically protected, financially, and most importantly, emotionally safe which means we must create an environment where she feels safe to express her deepest regrets, failures, insecurities and fears without fear of being judged.

Notice also that Peter adds a motivation here. He says, “so that our prayers won’t be hindered.” So God says, “why would I give you what you’re asking Me for if I know it’s only going to take you further away from loving and honoring the gift I’ve given you?” So perhaps when we put her love on top the breakthrough that we’ve been praying for will come to pass.

So men, I confess that these are things I’m learning every day about being a husband. So, I want to encourage us to meditate on this verse and let’s build a 4-sided fortress around our women that involves quality time, understanding, honor and protection that is so secure she doesn’t want to get out and predators can’t get in.


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