Escalator // Final Official Showcase (Outdated)

Описание к видео Escalator // Final Official Showcase (Outdated)

Aside from a few fixes that are necessary, the lvl is FINALLY FINISHED! Might later update it to make a proper endscreen, and thats it.

Id: 92954845

Difficulty: Top 10-20

Song -    • Pathetic - Escalator //official audio  
Pathetic - Escalator

Song Replacement -

My discord - neomarbilan

Host: NeoMarBilan

Helpers: Toeu, Tabuss1YT, BanAffect, Lyskov, cyzno.

Members: GGCat, GGPro90, Lil_Tayuku, MattsStuff , Ott0, Zordy, l1ghtly0ne, SinnerClyde, Shadow_Lord, ErzhanmGMD, ploof, Playgame16, cooke, WonderFoll, Tusol, Tooos, Doprodet.

Playtesters: DovGMD, Spectre, Positive, holi, vokla, RG_korus.


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