Day 03 CMR | FERC Software Conference 2024

Описание к видео Day 03 CMR | FERC Software Conference 2024


040 | Software for System Model Validation by Eric H. Allen

041 | A Day-Ahead Contingency Planning Solution that Captures the Physics of Electric and Gas Networks by Will Frazier

042 | Power System State Estimation by Phase Synchronization and Eigenvectors by Iven Guzel

043 | ABSCoRES: Applying Credit Scoring Methodologies for Risk Estimation in Energy Assets and Grid Management by Andres F. Ramirez

048 | A Fast Learning-Based Unit Commitment Strategy with AC Optimal Power Flow for Large Grids with Direct Inclusion of Weather by Farnaz Safdarian

049 | Trustworthy Deep Learning for Electricity Market Applications by Vladimir Dvorkin

050 | Leveraging Underutilized DER Edge Compute to Improve Market Efficiencies by Philip Court

051 | Privacy-Preserving Demand Response Enabled by Synthetic Data by Guangchun (Grant) Ruan

052 | GAMSPy: A Pipeline Friendly General Algebraic Modeling Language by Adam Christensen


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