THE BEST SCREAMS & SCARES!! (So Far) - Jump-Scaring Twitch Streamers

Описание к видео THE BEST SCREAMS & SCARES!! (So Far) - Jump-Scaring Twitch Streamers

Welcome to the 2021 Halloween Scream Special!

We've had some great scares & screams over the mirror myers episodes so we wanted to do a special episode showcasing the best ones so far!

I hope you all enjoy & please make sure to go show some love to all the streamers featured & have a browse through our extensive collection of twitch streamers that we have spooked!

I stream over at
  / justjamesuk  

Feel free to join our amazing Discord family as well 💜💜

Video Edited by ☞   / tifgames  

Follow me on Social Media!
Twitter ☞   / justjamesuk_  
Instagram ☞   / justjamesuk_  

#JumpscareMyers #DeadByDaylight #MirrorMyers

THE BEST SCREAMS & SCARES!! (So Far) - Jump-Scaring Twitch Streamers


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