众神出銮 | 2024甲辰年马来西亚柔佛古庙众神巡游盛会 Johor Ancient Temple Chingay: Coming Out of the Deities Parade

Описание к видео 众神出銮 | 2024甲辰年马来西亚柔佛古庙众神巡游盛会 Johor Ancient Temple Chingay: Coming Out of the Deities Parade


和我一起來這裡觀看2024柔佛古廟游神盛會,柔佛古廟的五位神明將在歡欣鼓舞、色彩繽紛的遊行中離開寺廟,前往臨時的大型神社“行宮”。 這是為期五天的活動的第三天。 一年一度的柔佛古廟游神盛會始於1870年,目前正在努力計劃申請聯合國教科文組織世界遺產地位。

Join me here and watch the 2024 Johor Chingay, where the five deities of the Johor Ancient Temple would leave the temple in a jubilant and colourful procession to "Xing Gong", a temporary large shrine. This is the third day of a five-day event. The annual Johor Chingay started since 1870 and is currently seeking to apply for the UNESCO World Heritage status.

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