HTML How To Make Background Image Fit Screen

Описание к видео HTML How To Make Background Image Fit Screen

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0:00 HTML and CSS for Full Screen Background Image
0:10 Defining image URL
0:37 background-size: unset
0:53 background-size: contain
1:26 Adding no-repeat
2:04 background-size: cover

Full screen background images that fit entire width or height of the screen are easy to implement. In this tutorial learn how to use background-size property to stretch image across full screen vertically, horizontally, fit screen or stretch. You can set it to a percent value like 50%, provide percentage in both dimensions: %25 75%, or alternatively you can set it to cover or contain.

Background image in html will stretch according to which CSS properties you applied to the container element (in this case it's the body tag, encompassing the entire page.)

background-size: cover is the same as background-size: 100%

To remove repeating background pattern use background-repeat: no-repeat;


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