Roger Stritmatter – Witty Numbers: Ben Jonson’s Shakespeare First Folio Jest in Focus

Описание к видео Roger Stritmatter – Witty Numbers: Ben Jonson’s Shakespeare First Folio Jest in Focus

Roger Stritmatter explores the hidden meaning of Jonson’s epigram “To the Reader” facing the First Folio’s Droeshout engraving.

Dr. Stritmatter is Professor of Humanities at Coppin State University (Baltimore) and author (among many scholarly publications) of The Marginalia of Edward de Vere’s Geneva Bible, (2001 Ph.D. thesis, 4th ed. 2015) (exploring parallels between biblical references in the works of Shakespeare and hundreds of hand-marked verses in Oxford’s personal copy of the Geneva Bible).

This is an updated version of a presentation given at the SOF 2021 Spring Symposium.


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