None-Spicy Kimchi | White Kimchi | 백김치 | Back-Kimchi |

Описание к видео None-Spicy Kimchi | White Kimchi | 백김치 | Back-Kimchi |

Who doesn’t love the taste of kimchi? And now your little ones and those of you who can’t handle spice can enjoy this too! It has the perfect taste of traditional kimchi without the spice!~
시원하고 깔끔한 맛 백김치!! 국수에 말아 드셔도 좋아요!~

Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe and click the “like” button if you like what you see! And leave us a comment about other foods you want to see. We have a ton of videos coming your way!

Things you need!


cutting board 도마
knife 칼
big bowls 큰그릇
wicker tray 채반
cooking spoon 요리스푼
plastic cooking gloves 비닐장갑
airtight big container 김치통
measuring cups & spoons 계량컵 & 스푼


cabbages 배추
radish 무
pear 배
red bell pepper 빨간고추 또는 피망
green onion 파
ground garlic 간마늘
ground ginger 간생강
fish sauce 멸치액젓
salt 소금
sugar 설탕
water 물
beef broth 소고기육수 또는 사골육수

fish sauce;

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Instagram: @nanthehousechef

#nonespicykimchi #백김치 #whitekimchi


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