How to Fix Product Disapprovals in Google Merchant Center

Описание к видео How to Fix Product Disapprovals in Google Merchant Center

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Arrrggghhh!!! This is the worst problem one could experience in Google Merchant Center. So in this video, you’re going to learn how to fix product disapprovals in Google Merchant Center.

00:00 Introduction
00:27 What are disapprovals?
01:14 Process to fixing disapprovals
01:58 Most common Google Merchant Center disapprovals & how to fix them
05:40 Uncommon disapprovals

We have a full guide on all the disapprovals on it and how to fix each one. You can access it on the lesson page of this video:

There are dozens and dozens of reasons for having your product disapproved and it usually depends on your store and setup.

In this video, I’m going to show you our process for fixing disapprovals quickly and teach you how to find out how to fix every single disapproval. But first, let’s discuss what is disapproval and why can’t google just approve our products? Google requires that anyone running Google Shopping campaigns meets a certain standard of products, stores, and data in their product feed.

So Google created the Google Merchant Center, which serves as a gatekeeper of your product feed. This means that only store owners that fix their feed and make sure it meets Google’s rules can show their products on Google Shopping.

Now here’s our process for fixing any Google Merchant Center disapproved products:
1. Identify what the disapproval is.
2. Learn what causes it and how to fix it.
3. Make the changes, refetch your feed and see if Google approves it.
4. If still disapproved, just repeat the process.

Fixing product disapprovals in Google Merchant Center is a troubleshooting process. And if you’re new to this, it can be frustrating but that’s why we’ve left a full guide down below that goes through every single error and how to fix it, in great detail.

Now, here are the top 7 most common disapprovals in Merchant Center:
1. Website Not Verified and/or Claimed
This error happens when you haven’t yet verified and claimed your website in the Google Merchant Center Business settings.

2. Missing Value [Shipping]
This error occurs when you haven’t added your shipping settings into the Google Merchant Center settings or added them directly to your feed.

3. Pending Initial Review
You’ll sometime see this error when you first submit products for review in your feed. This means that Google is still crawling your feed and store to check to make sure everything’s ok.

4. Violation of Shopping Ads Policy
This is more a generic disapproval of violation of the shopping ads policy. Sometimes Google gives you a disapproval when you’ve violated one of their shopping policies.

5. Unavailable mobile or desktop landing page
This error occurs if Google crawls your site and isn’t able to access the mobile or desktop landing page.

6. Promotional overlay on image [image link]
This error occurs when Google recognizes that you’ve added in some sort of branding, promotional text, or writing on your product image.

7. Invalid value [availability]
This error happens when there’s a mismatch between your feed and store in terms of the availability of your products.

They’re the top 7 errors we often see in Google Merchant Center accounts. As you can see, each one requires a unique approach and it does depend on your own store and how you’ve set up your feed and GMC account.

📘 How to fix disapproved products in Google Merchant Center ➤

📘 Google Ads Support: Complete list of Google AdWords Phone Numbers ➤

🎥 How to Claim & Verify Your Website on Google Merchant Center ➤

🎥 How to set up your Shipping and Returns Settings on Google Merchant Center ➤

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