VITAS - young rook

Описание к видео VITAS - young rook

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The Young Rook

I returned home toward evening
And flew, like a bird, into the parental house
To bow low to you, my dear woman
Who gave birth to me.
I remember how I strived to the sky, like a nestling,
And dreamed of flying like a young rook.
Even at that age I knew that you are the only one
Who would always wait for me wherever I am.

I will fly away, my darling, but I'll be back.
I know you will be in pain,
I know you will be sad.
But I will keep the joy of our meetings in my heart,
I will be unable to live without your love.

How many times I fell down, rose
And again flew up to the sky!
I even smashed myself to pieces
But your love worked miracles,
Your love that I took with me into the sky,
The love you gave me together with your body cross.
Each of my rises and each of my falls
Is reflected in the white snow of your gray hair.

My mother, today I understand:
When I flew away from you
Into the unknown alien cold world,
I did this with the purpose to find myself.

I will fly away, my darling, but I'll be back.
I know you will be in pain,
I know you will be sad.
But I will keep the joy of our meetings in my heart,
I will be unable to live without your love.

The sky is endless, the time is endless...
What a pity that our life ends some day. Let's simply keep silent.
But I know for sure that our souls are eternal,
Our souls fly to the sky, like rooks.
The cross, the grave, your photo, and the bench...
I came here to talk to my mother.
I stand, praying, and ask you to forgive me,
I will never forget you, my darling.

lyrics translation by Anna Russia, as found here:


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