如何知道神的心意? 神要我做什麼? 我不要糊糊塗塗, 迷失方向…😵我要活出精彩! How to Know God's Will?【葉晨星博士 Dr. Yap Chen Sing】

Описание к видео 如何知道神的心意? 神要我做什麼? 我不要糊糊塗塗, 迷失方向…😵我要活出精彩! How to Know God's Will?【葉晨星博士 Dr. Yap Chen Sing】

最常困擾基督徒的問題就是"如何知道神的心意呢?" 許多基督徒糊糊塗塗過了大半生,卻不知道上帝對他的心意是什麼🤔,迷失方向或走了許多冤枉路...

所以弟兄姐妹,明白神的旨意是重要的課題。請不要錯過今天的教導! 葉晨星博士將從新約舊約和神學的觀點建議您實際操練,找到神對您生命當中的心意!🙏🏻

📖 你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他, 他必指引你的路。
箴言 3:5‭-‬6

The question that troubles Christians the most is "How to know God's will?" Many Christians have been confused most of their lives, because they don't know what is God's will for their lives.🤔 They might be lost in their ways or have walked many wrong paths...

Therefore, brothers and sisters, understanding the will of God is important. Please don't miss today's teaching episode! Dr. Yap will give practical advice on how to find God's will for your life from the perspective of the Old and the New Testaments.🙏🏻

📖 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6

Have a question? Post in the comments section of this video! 如有任何疑问,欢迎在留言区留言😉

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