PLC Logic Gates - AND , OR , NOT , NAND , NOR , X-OR Gate function with ladder Logic diagrams. Hindi

Описание к видео PLC Logic Gates - AND , OR , NOT , NAND , NOR , X-OR Gate function with ladder Logic diagrams. Hindi

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In this video, we will learn the PLC logic gates tutorial of AND , OR , NOT , NAND , NOR , X-OR function with ladder logic diagrams.
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What is ladder diagram?
Ladder diagrams are specialized schematics commonly used to document industrial control logic systems. They are called “ladder” diagrams because they resemble a ladder, with two vertical rails (supply power) and as many “rungs” (horizontal lines) as there are control circuits to represent.

Example of ladder diagram via basic logic gates:-

AND gate:-
By connecting Normally Open / XIC contacts in series, AND gate can be implemented.
When both inputs are set to 1, then and then only output goes high.

OR gate:-
By connecting Normally Open / XIC contacts in parallel, OR Gate can be implemented.
When either input is set to high, output goes high.

NOR gate:-
By connecting Normally Closed / XIO contacts in series, NOR Logic Gate can be implemented.
If both inputs are reset to 0, output goes High otherwise remains in Low state.
Or by inverting output of a OR Gate, that is by using output of OR Gate as an input of NOT Gate, NOR Gate can be implemented.

NAND gate:-
By connecting Normally Closed contacts in parallel to each other, NAND Gate can be implemented.
Or by simply inverting output of AND gate, NAND Gate can be implemented.

NOT gate:-
By using just one Normally Closed / XIO contact, NOT Logic Gate can be implemented.
Inverted state of input is obtained as an output.

Ex-OR gate:-
By connecting XIC and XIO in series with parallel to XIO and XIC in series as shown in diagram above, EX-OR Gate can be implemented.
When both inputs are identical, output is 0. Output is high when A ≠ B.
Note here that XIC of first series contacts and XIO of second series contacts must be given same address and similarly for the other two.

Ex-NOR gate:-
By connecting two XIO contacts in series with parallel to two XIC contacts in series, EX-NOR gate can be implemented.
When both inputs are identical A=B=O or A=B=1, output goes high.
It implies same here as in EX-OR gate that address must be given same.
– By inverting output of EX-OR gate, implementation of EX-NOR can be accomplished.
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