What Are The Differences Between A 1970 Plymouth Road Runner And A Superbird?

Описание к видео What Are The Differences Between A 1970 Plymouth Road Runner And A Superbird?

In this video we show you the differences between a 1970 Plymouth Superbird and a 1970 Plymouth Road Runner. The Superbird is based of a Road Runner but to modify the car to go 200 MPH on the high banks NASCAR Plymouth did a lot of little changes that are hard to see and some that are easy. Obviously the wing and nose are in your face but the A-Pillar chrome moldings, the rear window plug and trim, etc are more suttle differences that made a huge difference at triple digit speeds. The Road Runner featured here is a V-Code 440 6 barrel car that was originally black with a burnt orange interior. The Superbird was recently found in an estate in Spokane, Washington and was sitting since 1984. We got it from a shell to a running car in three days.

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