North Korea-U.S. Summit review: success or failure?

Описание к видео North Korea-U.S. Summit review: success or failure?

‘세기의 만남’ 북미정상회담, 그 이후 - 김창수 박사 대담

For the rest of this newscast, we'll take a look back and further review yesterday's summit, with the help of an expert, Dr. Kim Chang-su from the Korea Institute of Defense Analyses. Dr. Kim thank you for being here with us.

My pleasure.

1- Let's start with your assessment of Tuesday's events. It was a historic day, the first time ever the two leaders of North Korea and the U.S. met. How do you think it went?'

1a - Do you think they got along, or do you think it was more guarded?

2 - The result of the summit was the joint declaration of course. Opinion is divided, although it seems there is more a negative than positive assessment of it, especially in the U.S. What do you think are the concerns and do you think they are fair?

2a - How does it compare to previous agreements?

3 - The big question everyone had been talking about was what kind of denuclearization agreement would be reached. The White House itself had on several occasions said they would pursue CVID. But it was noticeably missing from the final agreement. Do think that not having it in writing is a mistake, or actually is not that important?

4 What was included was a clause to bring back the remains of U.S. prisoners of war or soldiers missing in action. What do you make of that inclusion?

5 - Trump revealed at his press conference that North Korea had promised to dismantle a nuclear missile engine test site, but that was not included in the declaration. What do we know about this test site, and how much impact would it have on their nuclear program?

6 - One of the most controversial points that also came out of that press conference is Trump revealing that he has promised to stop the joint military drills with South Korea. How important are they and does it affect the defense readiness and security of South Korea?

7 - Compared to the hype and anticipation in the run-up to this summit, many found the result underwhelming. That anticipation was especially built over the amount of meetings that occurred between the two sides. Working level-talks between Sung Kim and Choe Son-hui went on for several rounds, from Panmunjom all the way to Singapore. Those talks raised our expectations. Does this reveal how difficult it is to try to deal with North Korea?

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