站在爪哇宇宙中軸線|日惹馬里歐波羅、皇宮、水宮、紀念碑|Javanese Philosophy Axis- Malioboro, Kraton, Taman Sari, Tugu Jogja|碎碎念

Описание к видео 站在爪哇宇宙中軸線|日惹馬里歐波羅、皇宮、水宮、紀念碑|Javanese Philosophy Axis- Malioboro, Kraton, Taman Sari, Tugu Jogja|碎碎念

日惹(Yogyakarta)位在印尼爪哇島的中部,日惹特區是印尼官方唯一認可的君主制地區,由日惹王國蘇丹所管理。這次造訪Malioboro大街、日惹皇宮(Kraton)、水宮(Taman Sari)、日惹紀念碑(Tugu Jogja)位在日惹城的南北軸線上,據說是日惹皇室當初在設計整座城市時,引用爪哇人傳統的宇宙觀所設計,這個南北軸線往南延伸到印度洋、往北則是延伸到默拉皮火山(Mount Merapi)。

整個Malioboro大街總長約兩公里,算是日惹最重要的商圈。除了北端的日惹紀念碑Tugu Jogja,沿路還有唐人街、一座標有繁體中文的清真寺、當地的傳統菜市場Pasar Beringharjo、以及1949年3月1日紀念碑。持續往南走會先看到日惹皇宮的北廣場(Alun-alun utara)、然後就是日惹皇宮。參觀皇宮主要是看他的博物館,早上造訪的話,可能會看到傳統藝術表演。水宮(Taman Sari)則是日惹皇室玩水的地方,很美,但原本龐大的建築群,歷經修復工程,也只有一部分回復原貌。

傍晚是在日惹紀念碑看夕陽的好時機,打燈的紀念碑、配上夕陽和車流的光線,非常輕鬆有趣。晚上則是Malioboro大街最有活力的時刻。Yogyakarta在爪哇語的意義是Thousands of Love,夜晚的Malioboro大街的確會讓人感受到愛與和平的活潑氣氛。

Yogyakarta is located in the middle of Java Island, Indonesia. The Yogyakarta Special Region is the only officially recognized monarchy area in Indonesia and is managed by the Sultan of the Yogyakarta Kingdom.

This visit to Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta Royal Palace (Kraton), Water Palace (Taman Sari), and Tugu Jogja are located on the north-south axis of Yogyakarta City. It is said that Yogyakarta was designed in according to the traditional Javanese cosmology, and this north-south axis extends south to the Indian Ocean and north to Mount Merapi.

The entire Malioboro Street has a total length of about two kilometers and is regarded as the most important business district in Yogyakarta. In addition to the Tugu Jogja at the northern end, there are Chinatown, a mosque marked in traditional Chinese, the local traditional market Pasar Beringharjo, and the March 1, 1949 monument along the road.

If you keep going south, you will first see the North Square (Alun-alun utara) of the Yogyakarta Palace, and then the Yogyakarta Palace. Visiting the palace is mainly to see his museum. If you visit in the morning, you may see traditional art performances. The Water Palace (Taman Sari) is a place where the Yogyakarta royal family played and bathed in the water. It is beautiful, but the original huge building complex has undergone restoration projects, and only a part of it has returned to its original appearance.

Evening is a good time to watch the sunset at the Yogyakarta Monument. The illuminated monument, with the light of the sunset and traffic, is very relaxing and interesting. At night, Malioboro Street is most lively. Yogyakarta means Thousands of Love in Javanese. Malioboro Street at night will indeed make people feel the lively atmosphere of love and peace.

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#日惹 #Yogyakarta #Jogja #Java #爪哇 #CosmologicalAxis #PhilosophyAxis #瑪里歐波羅大街 #Malioboro #日惹皇宮 #日惹水宮 #日惹紀念碑 #Kraton #palaceofyogyakarta #TamanSari #TuguJogja #碎碎念

0:00 開場/ Opening
0:40 白天的馬里歐波羅大街及幾個景點/ Malioboro at daytime
2:07 爪哇宇宙中軸線/ Javanese Cosmological Axis
2:52 日惹簡史/ Brief History of Yogyakarta
5:19 日惹皇宮/ Palace of Yogyakarta (Kraton)
7:04 日惹水宮/ Taman Sari
9:47 日惹紀念碑/ Tugu Jogja
12:08 夜晚的馬里歐波羅大街/ Malioboro at nighttime
13:09 街頭藝人/ Berharap Tak Berpisah


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