Crimson Desert SINGLE PLAYER RPG - 10 Cool New Details You Need To Know

Описание к видео Crimson Desert SINGLE PLAYER RPG - 10 Cool New Details You Need To Know

Developer Pearl Abyss of Black Desert Online fame is hard at work on Crimson Desert, an upcoming action RPG that is shaping up to be one of the most ambitious projects coming out in the near future. Taking place in a fantasy world inhabited by all manner of humans and beasts, players take on the role of a warrior who wants to unite the kingdoms under a singular cause.

There are many aspects to the gameplay ranging from combat to exploration and progression, and a new Gamescom trailer has shed some more light on how these elements function within the larger context of the game itself. To that end, we have compiled a list of 10 exciting new details that you should know about Crimson Desert.


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