Samurai Warriors 4 - Battle of Sekigahara (Western Forces) | Hard

Описание к видео Samurai Warriors 4 - Battle of Sekigahara (Western Forces) | Hard

Now we're at Sekigahara on the Western side. And you know what? I actually have something to say about this stage! Because they actually put effort into this one stage! You see it's the most unique stage in the game because there are 3 versions of it. Sakon's version, Yoshitsugu's version, and the Shimazu version. Sakon and Yoshitsugu are very similar and just have them live a bit longer before dying, but it's different and I can appreciate that. The Shimazu one is very different so I have a separate video showing that as well.

If you play as Sakon or Yoshitsugu, you cannot play as the other so you can't keep them both alive for the entirety of the stage. One of them has to die before it's over, and the other dies later. Because this battle does not go well and always ends in defeat for Mitsunari no matter what you do here. I do really like the ending cutscene with Sakon at the end, and the one with Mitsunari is done well too.

Man, it's nice when they actually put in effort.


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