Nikolai-保力達 (Shingo Best Rounds) KOF 2002 UM

Описание к видео Nikolai-保力達 (Shingo Best Rounds) KOF 2002 UM

- Special Moves

Wicked Chew Unfinished Misery [104 Shiki: Aragami Mikansei] - (qcf + A)

Shingo steps forward then throws a quick right hook punch (left hook if on the 2p side). Very easy to combo into from light standing and crouching normals, as well from standing heavy normals (and crouching C) or from his F+B command normal. Pretty hard to punish on block because of the amount of push back Shingo gains from it. At a mid to close range its safe to throws these out a few times if you want to score a random hit from it, but its not super cancel-able.
Poison Gnawfest Unfinished Misery [105 Shiki: Dokugami Mikansei] - (qcf + C)

This is the stronger variant of the Wicked Chew that knocks the opponent down on hit. Easy to combo from his close C, crouching C, close D and F+B. Really unsafe if blocked unfortunately.
Soft knockdown
Cresent Slash Unfinished Misery [202 Shiki: Kototsuki Mikansei' - (hcb + B/D)

Shingo runs towards the opponent with a short hooked uppercut that hits mid, then a sledgehammer punch that hits overhead. Both kick versions can combo very easily from Shingo's crouching and standing light and heavy normals (except crouching heavy kick).
Super Cancel-able on the first hit
The light kick (B) version has Shingo running 3/4 screen distance, while the heavy kick version (D) makes Shingo run full screen towards the opponent. Shingo is in vulnerable counter hit state during the dash towards the opponent.
Very unsafe if blocked. The opponent can actually hit Shingo before the second hit while blocking.
Shingo Kick - hcf + B/D

Shingo shows off his version of Kyo's rdp+K. Can evade low hits and/or low aiming attacks and projectiles. The light kick version travels 1/2 screen distance, while the heavy kick version goes 3/4 distance and inflicts a bit more damage. Both versions can combo easily from close C or close D or f+B.
Can be used as a quick whiff punish against moves that have poor recovery (like reversals)
Shingo can be jabbed while he's flying toward the opponent. Very unsafe on block up close, while the light kick version can be hard to punish if blocked at it's max distance.
Soft knockdown
Fireball Unfinished Misery [100 Shiki: Oniyaki Mikansei] - (dp + A/C)

Shingo's version of Kyo's dragon punch. Light punch version hits once, while the heavy punch version hits twice and has higher damage. Good to use as an anti-air against predictable regular jumps and super jumps. This dragon punch can be used as a quick finisher if you juggle the opponent with dp+K.
It can be used as a reversal option while it does have fast start-up but no invincibility which may cause it to trade against meaty attacks.
Soft knockdown
Shingo's Metal Malleator [Shingo Kinsei Ore Shiki Nietogi] - close (dp + B/D)

This is Shingo's proximity unblockable command throw. It sorta looks like he's hitting the opponent with a dp+C that does 3 hits. THe opponent is a juggle state after the last hit. Can combo from single hit close heavy normals or light normal attacks. A very powerful move to use if you find the opponent blocking too much, and it's very powerful in many of his combos which causes massive damage. It doesn't have a whiff animation either.
Proximity Unblock-able
Soft knockdown
Shingo's Elbow Slam [Shingo Kinsei Ore Shiki Zenpou Tenshin] - (qcb + A/C)

An overhead elbow strike that causes a hard knockdown. The opponent lands right at Shingo's feet where it's easy to follow up with a hop B cross-up, empty jump low, dp+K command throw, normal throw or which ever okizeme/wake up option you want. Can't combo into it because Shingo's normals push him back a bit, and it's start up isn't very fast. It is punishable however but you need something very fast with long range that can reach him while he's recovering (like Terry's qcfx2+K DM or Yashiro's qcfx2+P DM).
Hard knockdown
Spinning Kick Unfinished Misery [101 Shiki: Oboro Kurama Mikansei] - (rdp + B/D)

Shingo performs a version of Kyo '95's rdp+K. The light kick version hits once and whiffs on crouching opponents, while the heavy kick version hits twice and has a falling overhead follow-up if you quickly input rdp+D again during the first hit.
The light kick version combos easily from Shingo's crouching and standing light and heavy normals, while the heavy kick version can combo from his standing close heavy normals and f+B command move. The heavy kick version is best used after a close dp+K command throw in the corner as a juggle.
The rdp+D follow up hits overhead if blocked and causes a hard knockdown. Very punish-able if blocked.

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KOF 2002UM - Nikolai-保力達 (Shingo Best Rounds)
KOF 2002 Unlimited Match
Combos Shingo kof 2002 UM


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