What's wrong with Economics? Professor Steve Keen explains - 16 Nov 2011

Описание к видео What's wrong with Economics? Professor Steve Keen explains - 16 Nov 2011

Steve Keen is Associate Professor of Economics & Finance at the University of Western Sydney. His main academic research interest is in developing mathematical models of Hyman Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis. Prof. Keen's best-selling book, Debunking Economics, delivers a powerful critique of modern neoclassical macroeconomics. He maintains a website dedicated to 'analysing the global debt bubble' at www.debtdeflation.com.

Steve predicted the financial crisis as long ago as December 2005. His leading role as one of the minority of economists to both foresee the crisis and warn of it was recognised by his peers when he received the Revere Award from the Real World Economics Review for being the economist who most cogently warned of the crisis, and whose work is most likely to prevent future crises.



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