Bream Fishing - Memories of Specimen Bream from a Wild, Irish Lough (2018)

Описание к видео Bream Fishing - Memories of Specimen Bream from a Wild, Irish Lough (2018)

My memories of bream fishing in Ireland, where I set myself a goal to catch a big specimen bream of double-figure (over 10lbs) from a wild Irish Lough. These are very rear creatures in Ireland and at that size, they usually are of 17-20 years of age. Identifying a potential venue is a big challenge in itself, not to mention all the work that needs to be put in afterwards to be in the chance of catching bream that big. And a huge amount of luck on your side is very needed.

This is a short video put together using some pictures and clips I recorded at the time. It doesn’t give the full story, but there is more to be read about the start of this challenge, approach taken, fishing tactics applied, fishing rigs and the outcome of it all in a FREE online magazine ‘Off the Scale Angling’ available at


Thanks for stopping by and watching my first ever YouTube video, it's much appreciated. I am only learning editing for the last couple of days with the limited recordings I have here and there are many things that can be done better. It was however immensely satisfying to create this clip and I am looking forward to learn more and deliver better and more engaging fishing videos. Hopefully, I will at some stage be able to present those aspects of the beauty of the Nature that I am lucky to experience while out fishing.


to read more about bream fishing check out issue 13 of the Free online Angling Magazine 'Off the Scale Angling'

for the current issue click here:

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🎵 Music in this video
SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jason Shaw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 United States— CC BY 3.0 US Music promoted by Audio Library    • SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR – Jason Shaw (No...  


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