Semi-automatic Code Deobfuscation (r2con2020 workshop)

Описание к видео Semi-automatic Code Deobfuscation (r2con2020 workshop)

Speaker: Tim Blazytko
Conference: r2con2020

Code and slides:

In modern businesses code obfuscation has become a vital tool to protect, for example, intellectual property against competitors. In general, it impedes analysis by making the to-be-protected program more complex.

In this workshop, we focus on a small set of common code obfuscation techniques
(e.g. opaque predicates or Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic). After understanding their core concepts, we analyze them on the binary level. In the second part, we use symbolic execution & SMT solvers to break these techniques in an automated manner. The workshop is suitable for everyone who has experience in reverse engineering of x86 code and wants to deepen knowledge in advanced program analysis or code obfuscation techniques.


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