DOOM 2: 30nm6520 - First Ever Published Nightmare Run (TAS) 1996-05-11 Steffen Winterfeldt

Описание к видео DOOM 2: 30nm6520 - First Ever Published Nightmare Run (TAS) 1996-05-11 Steffen Winterfeldt

The first ever Doom 2 Nightmare run submitted to Compet-n, by Steffen Winterfeldt. Soon after its release, other speedrunners began to question the authenticity of the demo. Though Steffen has never made any public admission of this, his run is now believed to have been achieved using slowmotion. (

Rendered to 4K 60fps with PrBoom+ beta. This one is a true 4K render, unlike the 30nm4949 render I did before.

cap_soundcommand "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar %s -ac 2 -i - -acodec flac temp.flac -y"
cap_videocommand "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 60 -s %wx%h -i - -vf scale=w=iw:h=ih:out_color_matrix=bt709:sws_flags=neighbor -c:v libx264 -crf 16 -pix_fmt yuv420p temp.mkv -y"


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