Public Party: Festa Junina 2022 - Forró & Quadrilha - Praça Paris, Gloria, Rio de Janeiro

Описание к видео Public Party: Festa Junina 2022 - Forró & Quadrilha - Praça Paris, Gloria, Rio de Janeiro

This was a Festa Junina at Paris Plaza in Gloria, Rio de Janeiro. The band played one of their last forró songs for people to dance and enjoy and then started with Arraste Pé music for people to enjoy a Quadrilha*. This Quadrilha was absolutely improvised by the people present with no one chanting the dynamics to be followed!!!

*Quadrilha is a type of dance that is done collectively organizing everyone, generally in couples which coordinate spontaneously in different dynamics that can be lead and organized by someone chanting dynamics for the quadrilha people to follow, or, as in the case of this video, they can come about by the whole people coordinating.

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