How to Look More Advanced (Fast) as a Social Dance West Coast Swing Dance Partner

Описание к видео How to Look More Advanced (Fast) as a Social Dance West Coast Swing Dance Partner

If you want to look more advanced as a social dance partner in West Coast Swing even if you are a beginner west coast swing dancer by getting the timing right and slooooowwww down!

Remember It's about the Music.


What do you have to do? Well, understand that you need to understand the triple rhythm better.

You will learn the different types of music we have to dance to and how we change the way we dance to them as we get more experienced.

Before that, you need to work on your basic timing until your body completely understands how to do the slower beats in the triple rhythm

You will learn what light and shade are when dancing the beats.

(How important is dancing the slow longer?) As you will see in the video, the swing beat relies on it.

When you get to the part where we learn how to practice slowing down the leg you are on (not the one moving to)
You will learn to using the driving leg, the rib cage and peeling the foot off the floor.

I demonstrate how late I lower my heel as we dance the slow beat.

In conclusion you will have enough tips to work on you basic timing to look like you are doing the swing rhythm even when dancing to straight time music.

SUBSCRIBE To learn how to dance better West Coast Swing from Reno's own The West Coast Swing Guys.

We show you how to dance not what to dance.


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