How to Write a Book Around a Full-Time Job

Описание к видео How to Write a Book Around a Full-Time Job

Nobody has time to write a book! But if you're anything like me, you desperately wanted to for years and it never happened. This is ten minutes on how I wrote (and later sold) my novel while a full-time PhD student at Oxford. PLUTOSHINE is published TODAY by Gollancz and is available in hardback from all major bookshops (boy, that's overwhelming to write).

Also, the Guardian called it a 'rousing good read', and New Scientist said it's 'worth the admission fee for the fantastical depictions of Pluto alone', also Alastair Reynolds and Stephen Baxter said some really nice things, it's all on my website, and damn, but I'll take that and run.


PLUTOSHINE by Lucy Kissick:


Credits music by the ever-ethereal Silent Island, the song is called Dolphin Rush and I'm a sucker for it, used with their kind permission.


My name is Lucy Kissick, I have a doctorate in planetary geology from the University of Oxford, I'm a nuclear scientist, and I'm a science fiction author. But more importantly I collect sea glass. I did warn you I had no life.


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