我有個秘密! 親近神的奧秘, 幫助你成長! I Got A SECRET... Secret of Drawing Near to God【葉博士 Dr. Yap】

Описание к видео 我有個秘密! 親近神的奧秘, 幫助你成長! I Got A SECRET... Secret of Drawing Near to God【葉博士 Dr. Yap】

我有個秘密! 親近神的奧秘, 幫助你成長! I Got A SECRET... Secret of Drawing Near to God【葉博士 Dr. Yap】

God is a spirit. Drawing Near to God doesn't seem easy... So how do we draw near to God? 🤔 Today, Dr. Yap Chen Sing has 4 secrets to share with you. The content of this video is part of what Dr. Yap's course in seminaries and worship classes.

If you always find it difficult to draw near to God, don’t miss this episode! 🙏🏻 If you like our video, remember to subscribe to our channel and share it to your friends. Let them taste the beauty and sweetness of Jesus' love! 💖

📖 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
James 4:8

【如何每天祷告10分钟? How To Have 10 Minutes Daily Prayer?】
   • How To Have 10 Minutes Daily Prayer? ...  

【進入隱密處得著跨越的信心 Walking in Faith】
   • 進入隱密處得著跨越的信心! 你也可以經歷神跡! 禱告室真實見證! I Be...  

上帝是一个灵。我們要亲近祂,好像很不容易。。。怎样才算是亲近神呢? 🤔 今天,叶晨星博士有4个秘诀要与您分享。这集影片的内容是葉晨星博士在神学院及敬拜学校所教导的部分内容。

如果您一直觉得很难與神亲近,千万不要错过这一集! 🙏🏻 若您喜歡我們的影片,请記得订阅我们频道WE iTV,並分享给更多朋友们,让他们知道耶稣的爱何等榮美、何等甘甜! 💖

📖 你們親近神,神就必親近你們。有罪的人哪,要潔淨你們的手!心懷二意的人哪,要清潔你們的心!
雅各書 4:8

Have a question? Post in the comments section of this video! 如有任何疑问,欢迎在留言区留言😉

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