Insights from Denmark: behind-the-meter biogas production for industrial use

Описание к видео Insights from Denmark: behind-the-meter biogas production for industrial use

Having identified more than 350 PJ per year of biogas production potential in Australia, the RACE for 2030 CRC opportunity assessment of anaerobic digestion in Australia has created interest and opportunity in this technology as a viable decarbonisation route for Australia's future energy mix.

Whilst much progress on policy has been made over the last few years, there is still a lot of policy development required to properly support this technology. Denmark is one of the most advanced countries in the world in supporting the technology and decarbonising its economy.

In this webinar we review Denmark's policies to support biogas production from anaerobic digestion and compare them to the current state of play in Australia.

Presenters and panellists for this webinar:

Dorothy Dellosa, The Trade Council of Denmark in Australia and New Zealand
Professor Prasad Kaparaju, Griffith University
Dr Reza Yosri, Ramboll
Manuel Ortiz, Ramboll
Dr Maria Puig-Arnavat, Ramboll
Liz Hutton, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development & NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub
Tracey Colley, RACE for 2030

For more webinars, reports and guides on decarbonisation and improving energy productivity, visit

This webinar was hosted by the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity.


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