Adventurous NIGHT trekking(Dangerous)

Описание к видео Adventurous NIGHT trekking(Dangerous)

Night trekking - It was one of my dream from so many years. We reached around 2.30 am and started to trek.
We enjoyed lot there and had a camp fire and danced around it. Met some cool people and we are good friends now.
Its Kunti betta night trek and its around 150 km from Bangalore.
Its one of the good place to trek around bangalore like savandurga, Antargange, Kabbaladurga,Shivagange etc.
Night trek made me to come out of my fear of DARK.
Adventurous things as usual I love but this was bit more than my comfort zone and it's very nice experience also.
Soon will come back with some good video see you soon bye bye.


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