FishEp3 LetsRock

Описание к видео FishEp3 LetsRock

Sam rocks out... with E-Marco 400!
Sam shows how he aquascapes his saltwater aquarium.

Save yourself the time...

Build up the aquascape layer by layer.

Allow ample time to dry between layers.

Reinforce mortar joints from underneath.

Support the structure as it dries; don't move it while its drying.

Use CA glue to hold difficult pieces while the mortar dries.

Texture joints with rock rubble so the joint mortar is not smooth.

Spray drying joints with polymer, sprinkle with debris/coral sand to conceal the joint.

Removable rock structures make tank maintenance easier.

New features are created when the structures interact with each other.

Its not a graded activity. Have fun with it!


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