Top Gear - Audi A8 Fuel Economy Challenge from London to Edinburgh and back to London with one tank

Описание к видео Top Gear - Audi A8 Fuel Economy Challenge from London to Edinburgh and back to London with one tank

Classic episode from Top Gear.
Clarkson sees if an Audi A8 with a V8 diesel engine can run from London to Edinburgh and back on one tank of diesel fuel. He does this to see if Audi's claims about the fuel economy of their large, powerful executive sedan holds up.

Part 1
#jeremyclarkson #topgear #topgearchallenges

   • Top Gear - Audi A8 Fuel Economy Chall...   - Part 2

   • Top Gear - Audi A8 Fuel Economy Chall...   - Part 3


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