Tuesday Report: Vibrancy at IE 星期二特写:厂区探游 EP2 | Woodlands

Описание к видео Tuesday Report: Vibrancy at IE 星期二特写:厂区探游 EP2 | Woodlands

Former Sungei Road flea market vendors set up shop at a Woodlands industrial estate. Among them is “Liang Po Po”, who is kind to migrant workers. The reborn market adjoins an open-to-all stage for song and dance. Meanwhile, a Sungei Kadut wood processing mill mainly hires women, a staging company thrives on wood, and a workshop by the young kindles Singaporeans’ love for craftwork. 兀兰工业区聚集前结霜桥旧货商,其中一位“梁婆婆”外表凶悍实则善待外劳顾客。旧货摊旁边咖啡店有敬老歌台,唱歌还有伴舞。双溪加株老字号木材厂重用一批娘子军。那一带木业曾经辉煌,不但衍生相关的道具和布景公司,更激发年轻人设立工作坊,以时尚方式带动国人爱上做手工。


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