Build a Moon 3D Printed Habitat | Designing for life on the Moon

Описание к видео Build a Moon 3D Printed Habitat | Designing for life on the Moon

No human has walked on the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. So now, Technology Development Program is working on everything that will be needed to make the Moon a place where a crew of astronauts can live for months.

There is no air on the Moon. And the temperature varies from 387 degrees Fahrenheit BELOW zero (-233 Celsius) at night to 253 degrees Fahrenheit ABOVE zero (123 Celsius) in the day. Tiny micro-meteoroids (space rocks) rain down on the Moon's surface. And no atmosphere means no protection from the Sun's harsh radiation.

So a Moon habitat for humans will have to be very tough and very sturdy. It will have to be air tight, so the inside can be pumped up with breathable air without exploding or leaking. The habitat will have to be cooled during the Moon day and heated during the Moon night. It will need a water recycling system, a power generating system, and food storage and preparation facilities.

Colonization of the Moon is a concept employed by some proposals of establishing permanent human settlement or robotic presence on the Moon, the closest astronomical body to Earth.

For a first permanent human space colony the choice of the Moon would benefit from its proximity to Earth.

One proposed purpose of a Moon settlement is tourism on the Moon in the near future by private space companies.

Discovery of water in the soil at the lunar poles by Chandrayaan-1 (ISRO) in 2008–09 renewed interest in the Moon, after NASA missions in the 1990s suggested the presence of lunar ice.

00:00 ● Intro
- Apollo 13 Views of the Moon
- Moon Village

02:39 ● 1. Building a lunar base with 3D printing
Setting up a lunar base could be made much simpler by using a 3D printer to build it from local materials. Industrial partners including renowned architects Foster + Partners have joined with ESA to test the feasibility of 3D printing using lunar soil.

Foster + Partners devised a weight-bearing ‘catenary’ dome design with a cellular structured wall to shield against micrometeoroids and space radiation, incorporating a pressurised inflatable to shelter astronauts.

A hollow closed-cell structure – reminiscent of bird bones – provides a good combination of strength and weight.


07:22 ● 2. URBAN – Conceiving a Lunar Base Using 3D Printing Technologies
Several studies have been addressing the building of a lunar base either under ESA or other space agencies and entities initiatives. These studies are looking at conceptual designs, often of one specific element of the base, while most of the requirements are not adequately or not at all taken into consideration.


10:23 ● 3. KICT XARC Lunar Construction
Extreme Environment Research Center
XArc is partnered with the Korea Institute for Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) for In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) research for planetary construction. ISRU refers to the production of useful materials from the resources available at a given location, such as using Mars or lunar soil (regolith) as a construction material. XArc was commissioned by KICT to conceptualize a building design for its Extreme Construction Research Center. KICT is a science & technology government-sponsored research institute of the Republic of Korea. The space facility research center is to be located on the KICT campus at Goyang, South Korea.

👉• Exploration Architecture Corporation (XARC)

14:25 ● 4. ICON's Project Olympus
ICON Receives Funding From NASA and Launches “PROJECT OLYMPUS” to Reach for the Stars with Off-world Construction System for the Moon.

ICON, developer of advanced construction technologies including robotics, software, and building materials, today announced it has been awarded a government Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract including funding from NASA to begin research and development of a space-based construction system that could support future exploration of the Moon. ICON will also dedicate a division of the company to focus on space.


17:35 ● 5. EDEN ISS — Greenhouse for ISS, moon and Mars
Vegetable cultivation for Moon and Mars
EDEN ISS project presents results of a new greenhouse concept for future space missions



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