What is literature Review? |Theoretical backbone of research| Urdu Hindi.

Описание к видео What is literature Review? |Theoretical backbone of research| Urdu Hindi.

What is literature Review? |Theoretical backbone of research| Urdu Hindi.

Literature review
An overview on literature review
What is a Literature Review Purpose of Literature Review .
Organizing Well the Theoretical Data .
Interpretation and Analysis of the Reviewed Literature .
Citation and Referencing Styles (MLA & APA)
Bloom Taxonomy,
slides Link 🖇️- https://1drv.ms/p/c/ab31807120f2a1e1/...

Instagram account - https://www.instagram.com/englishlite...

i. recognize What is a literature review;
describe its significance in conducting a research work;
explain it within context of six points of Bloom taxonomy;
elaborate the different purposes working behind literature review;
describe the five points for a well-organized literature review;
interpret and analyze the reviewed literature in light of Bloom Taxonomy;
vii. acquire knowledge about citation and referencing styles of MLA and APA;
viii. utilize the knowledge of the above-mentioned styles in reviewing a literature.

Q. 1 Explain what a literature review is as well as its significance in conducting
a research work?
Q. 2 How would you conduct literature review considering six stages of Bloom
Taxonomy? Support your answer with examples.
Q. 3 What have you understood about the seven purposes of literature review?
Elucidate them with examples.
Q. 4 Describe in detail how a literature review can be organized well and give
reasons for its requirement by a researcher.
Q. 5 ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy is a guiding principle in reviewing a literature in a
comprehensive, organized and systematic way of providing readers with
knowledge, its interpretation, comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesis, evaluation and creation’; discuss it.
Q. 6 Mention the reasons for using citation and referencing styles in reviewing a
Q. 7 What do you know about MLA and APA referencing styles? Elaborate and
also explain why will you select any one of them.

#Researchmethodology #literaturereview #research
#BloomTaxonomy #WhatisaLiteratureReview #PurposeofLiteratureReview
#OrganizingWelltheTheoreticalData #InterpretationandAnalysisoftheReviewedLiterature #CitationandReferencingStyles #MLA #APA
#Englishliterature #9078


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