
Описание к видео #NES30

On August 27th, 2024, the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) held a pre-summit webinar in preparation for the 30th Nigerian Economic Summit. The webinar, themed "Closing Gaps and Adapting to New Economic Conditions," brought together key stakeholders to explore strategies for addressing the decline in Nigeria's education sector and adapting to current economic reforms. The goal was to develop actionable policies and measures that address both immediate and long-term challenges in the sector.

Education is fundamental to a nation's development, directly impacting its economic and social stability. However, Nigeria's education sector is currently facing significant challenges, such as unequal access to quality education, a mismatch between the skills taught and those needed in the labor market, and a lack of digital technology integration. Closing these gaps is vital for creating a more inclusive and competitive education system. This pre-summit event aimed to explore how collaborative efforts can promote inclusive development and drive innovation in education, thereby contributing to the broader objectives of NES #30. By focusing on inclusive growth, innovation, and digital transformation, the event set the stage for developing strategies that address both immediate and long-term educational and economic needs. This approach aims to bridge the gap between education and the labor market, equipping students with the necessary skills for meaningful employment in a dynamic economy.


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