Manta | B&M Inverted Coaster | No Limits 2

Описание к видео Manta | B&M Inverted Coaster | No Limits 2

Hello guys and a warm welcome to a brand new video from me! Today I want to present my newest and brand new coaster to you! MANTA, a B&M Inverted Coaster with a height of 59m and fabelous, awesome hard turns and some near misses like you can find in some Inverted Coasters in real-life! Sounds interesting? Then sit back and enjoy your virtual ride on MANTA!
MANTA Information:
Coaster Type: B&M Inverted Coaster
Height: 59m
Speed: 99km/h / 59mph
Length: 1492,02m
#game #nolimits2 #rollercoaster #simulation #simulator


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