Subject verb agreement | subject verb agreement class 10th

Описание к видео Subject verb agreement | subject verb agreement class 10th

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Subject verb agreement | subject verb agreement class 10th

Subject-Verb Agreement is a fundamental concept in English grammar. Here's a comprehensive overview:

Definition: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number (singular or plural).

Rules for Subject-Verb Agreement:

General Rules:

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs.
2. Plural subjects take plural verbs.

Specific Rules:

Singular Subjects:

1. Indefinite pronouns (everyone, someone, anybody) take singular verbs.
2. Collective nouns (team, family, group) take singular verbs.
3. Singular nouns with plural forms (news, deer, fish) take singular verbs.
4. Gerunds (running, dancing) take singular verbs.

Plural Subjects:

1. Plural nouns take plural verbs.
2. Compound subjects joined by "and" take plural verbs.
3. Multiple nouns connected by "or" take plural verbs if both nouns are plural.

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