Taiwanese Street Food | Introduction, Names in Chinese

Описание к видео Taiwanese Street Food | Introduction, Names in Chinese

Taiwanese street food | introduction, names in Chinese.

Taiwan is known for various delicious food, so today I want to introduce ten Taiwanese street food to you!
In this video, not only will you know more about Taiwanese food, but you will also learn how to say those foods’ names in Mandarin Chinese!
I talked about some foods that terrify lots of people from different cultures as well. Although you might not try it yourself, it is still fun to know those special foods in Taiwan. ;)
These street foods I introduced to you include salty foods and desserts. When you visit Taiwan, must try some!

Have you been to Taiwan?
Welcome to visit here and have a wonderful experience!


﹝Basic Chinese | Mandarin for beginners﹞

→ Asking Questions in Mandarin Chinese: https://is.gd/lj6pD0

→ How to Ask About Prices and Count Number 0-99: https://is.gd/33ab6z

﹝Chinese Grammar﹞

→ Breaking down sentence structures in Mandarin: https://is.gd/vBVka9

→ How to Express Tenses in Mandarin Chinese: https://is.gd/13GPCB

﹝Transitions in Mandarin﹞ https://is.gd/FOUNIL

﹝Chinese Expressions﹞

→ Polite Expressions in Daily Conversation: https://is.gd/FLLUEd

→ 5 Often Used Sentence Patterns: https://is.gd/7YcTGJ

﹝Pronunciation Training﹞

→ Master Chinese "zh ch sh r": https://is.gd/wqINL4


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