Tekken 7 King Combo Video - "Know Your Role"

Описание к видео Tekken 7 King Combo Video - "Know Your Role"

What can I say? Marduk is genuinely trash, making a King video was much better. Awkward timing with Season Three being announced but I’ve been working on this for months. Details regarding the video are below:

0:00 - Unpractical max damage from d+1+2 on open stage, pretty neat.

0:09 - Miguel’s f+2+3 was able to make King’s 3+4,3 into a launcher, I’m sure it can be done with other close-range moves to reduce pushback.

0:26 - Wondering how I caused that? Don’t, it was using an ancient glitch as old as Tekken 5/6 where on a back turned (BT) opponent, moves such as Bryan’s d/b+2 (or King’s b+2,3 in my case) can build up pushback that will change the launching distance of moves. I’ll find a suitable link to put in here to demonstrate it later.

0:46 - Originally I was looking for a way to use King’s belt item move inside a combo (though I do despise item moves in general) but settled for this. There was also a cool Tekken 4 Kuma combo by KYSG that inspired this also. The Balcony Break (BB!) 1+4 side swap was also nice (more difficult to swap sides on larger opponents).

0:58 - Taking advantage of Season Two BT+3 (+10 on its last frame). AXL had inspired me in the past to find what I like to call “Miniature combos” which would typically end in a grab on a standing opponent.

1:05 - Specific angle to make f+2,d+1,2 W! To work, I hope you enjoy the Unblockable (UB!) party that ensues.

1:33 - Yes you can get a full wall stun after b+1+2, and it also works on small opponents too (set the second action to standing guard, sidestep left a few times, jab twice then perform the grab). d/f+4 after iSW is guaranteed on Kuma. Also for some bizarre reason, the stage has glitched, must be due to how many times I used position reset to perform the combo again and again?

1:49 - Does anyone remember those classic Tag 1 combos where you’d dash under a launch fast enough you could perform BT moves whilst remaining in front of the opponent? This acts like that.

1:57 - A former Tekken 6 combo maker ZRM27 did some cool collisions with U/F+1+2. Also, d+2+3 was hit on the Rage Drive’s (RD!) last frame to allow d+3+4 as a free hit.

2:06 - Classic setup spanning many years of Tekken, and I hadn’t seen anyone do iWR+3 after RD!

2:16 - I believe Hisame was the one to show off this RD! Glitch a few years ago so credit goes to him. I wanted to get a full combo off of it on a non-big character (Feng is pushing it mind you, big legs).

2:32 - Back in the day I wouldn’t repeat combos from past vid (refer to my previous video) but with the current state of the community I don’t mind, though I’m sure a few would be bothered by it. It’s a preference thing.

3:15 - Always wanted to get an UB! Screw inside a combo, also the ender is very basic considering the filler. The walls are lubed up to hell in this Tekken I swear.

3:28 - Two things: The combo from grab is based off a similar combo I did with Lee many years ago in a Tag 2 project (though I believe Dragonken did something similar in Tekken 6? I can’t remember). Also, Art of Frames was the first combo maker to use the Flapjack grab extension on balcony break stages back in Tag 2, which caused a big chain of other combo makers trying their own variations.

3:49 - Surprised no one has tried combining 3+4,2 and d/f+2,1 like this before.

4:05 - You better believe there are wall pops in this video, you guys can’t get enough of this stuff lol.

4:23 - Insane damage but a shame after floor break (FB!), such weak filler I had to use CH and a ground throw to make it kill.

4:39 - UB! Party No. 2, the BT 1+2 after Wall Break (WB!) also works as a ground hit against Jack and Gigas (maybe Marduk too) given the correct angle.

5:15 - A WILD PEPSIMAN APPEARS. D/B+1+3 ground throw on the last frame of RD! Will cause the momentum of the combo to reset (escapable ground throw of course but pretty cool) I recorded the combo twice with the clips overlapping in Vegas Pro but the Pepsiman variant was incomplete as I dropped the combo, that’s why it was finished with the default King variant in the edit.

Side Notes - Season One healthbars and Pepsiman costume were mods, check out both here:

Healthbars: https://www.deviantart.com/slawpro/ar...

Pepsiman: https://www.deviantart.com/9876789/ar...


Track 1 - Main Menu - Smackdown 2: Know Your Role

Track 2 - Main Theme - Pepsiman (extended by Savage Ogre)


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