A Ragpicker's Tale| Delhi Ragpicker Documentary| Small Big Lives|1080p HD

Описание к видео A Ragpicker's Tale| Delhi Ragpicker Documentary| Small Big Lives|1080p HD

A Ragpicker living in capital city Delhi of India has a tough life to live. This documentary gives an insight into daily life of a hard worker, daily wedge earner-a Ragpicker living in Metro city. With his meager income, he feeds his family, earns livelihood, manages to dream for future of his children and have high hopes from life.
We are inspired by the positive thoughts of this person and wish to share the same with the world. This documentary might also help the audience to think about lives of people living around us in surrounding communities.
We plan to capture more stories of such beautiful lives around which are unheard and usually goes unseen and ignored.
This is our first attempt. We feel that every life matters and everyone around us is living a beautiful life. We need to highlight the positives and work hard towards achieving our set goals in life with a smile on face.

For more details/collaborations/or any other queries contact us on our our Email ID [email protected]

Gadgets used for filming:
Nikon D 7500
Go Pro 7

Background Music:
Epic Orchestral - AShamaluevMusic

#undauntedlives #gratefulheart #lockdown #everylifematters #lifestories #dailylives #people #documentary #covid19 #lifeincovid19


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