Ep1. Creating A Velocity Plugin - Velocity Plugin Tutorial

Описание к видео Ep1. Creating A Velocity Plugin - Velocity Plugin Tutorial

In the first video of this series we will be creating our first Velocity plugin for Minecraft's Velocity mod. Velocity is a proxy like BungeeCord allowing you to connect Minecraft servers together.

I will be using a different, faster and simpler structure than other tutorials and save you a lot of time.

By the end of this video you will have a plugin ready and working with methods similar to what you are used to in Bukkit (onLoad, onEnable and onDisable).

VelocityPluginTemplate: https://github.com/kangarko/VelocityP...

Learn Java & Minecraft Plugin Development: https://mineacademy.org/project-orion...
Forge Modding: https://mineacademy.org/forge-mastery...

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