Senjutsu: Battle For Japan - How To Play

Описание к видео Senjutsu: Battle For Japan - How To Play

Welcome back to another episode of Board Games Are For Everybody!

This time we take a look at Senjutsu: Battle For Japan published by Stone Sword Games and Lucky Duck Games.

In Senjutsu players take control of a warrior defending the honor of their Daimyo and battling their opponents to see who comes out on top. Combining tactical movement and deck building elements creates a unique dueling game that can be enjoyed by 2 to 4 players, or on ones own in the games solo mode.

I just want to make a note that my explanations are to the best of my understandings of the rules. While they may not be 100% accurate, they are my best interpretations of the rules the rulebook set for the player. We, ourselves, had trouble with the rulebook and went to Youtube for guidance, only to be disappointed when we couldn't find any cohesive videos on how the whole game works; only bits and pieces. As a result I wanted to create this video in order to help other who may have been in the same situation that we faced.

Hopefully you all enjoyed the video! Hopefully I will see you all next time, but until then just remember that Board Games Are For Everybody!


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