7 Minute Abs Workout 🔥 Standing Abs Workout 🔥 Easy to Follow Abs Workout at Home 💕

Описание к видео 7 Minute Abs Workout 🔥 Standing Abs Workout 🔥 Easy to Follow Abs Workout at Home 💕

The 7-Minute Standing Ab Workout enhances your core strength, tones your abs, and helps sculpt your waistline.

As a qualified trainer, I explain how we can all get our best abs and if you are looking to reduce excess belly fat then within the video I talk about how important nutrition is for helping with fat loss.
This workout uses 7 Moves that all increase your calorie burn and at the same time shape and sculpt your tummy, waist and core.

As your qualified trainer on YouTube, I aim to always give you the best home workouts that get the best results.

00:01 Introduction to 7-Minute Ab Workout
00:28 Quick Warm-Up and Mobility
01:18 Standing Ab Exercise 1 : Total Core Crunch
02:21 Standing Ab Exercise 2 : Waist Bends
03:29 Standing Ab Exercise 3 : Core Rotations
04:21 Standing Ab Exercise 4 : Single Knee Ab Crunch
05:22 Standing Ab Exercise 5 : Ab Activation Leg Kicks
06:24 Standing Ab Exercise 6 : Ab Star and Waist
07:19 Standing Ab Exercise 7 : Power Core Kicks
08:19 High Five

7 Minute Abs Workout 🔥 Standing Abs Workout 🔥 Easy to Follow Abs Workout at Home 💕

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