Eritrea Steam 2014

Описание к видео Eritrea Steam 2014

The Eritrean railway was built as of 1885 by the Italians, to narrow-gauge Italian standards (950 mm gauge). The line was built between the harbour of Massawa on the Red Sea and Asmara, the capital of the Italian colony of Erytrea. It was further extended to Keren and finally to Bishia. It was modernised by Mussolini, in the 1930's with a view to invade and colonise Ethiopia. It was destroyed during the Eritrean liberation war and rebuilt thereafter. Nowadays there remains the 118 km line between Asmara and Massawa, some 30 tunnels and 65 bridges or viaducts. At the time of our visit, 4 steam locomotives were serviceable as shown in this video. Still pictures are here:


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